
Caluwe is the exclusive U.S. distributor and representative for four of the world’s leading brands in biomass heating: Windhager, Heizomat, ANKUR and Lasco.

For almost 100 years, Windhager has been renowned for innovative technical solutions, making heating convenient, safe and cost-effective. Strong demand for their products has allowed them to grow constantly and develop numerous innovations in the heating market.
Windhager is now one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of boilers for renewable energies and have suitable heating systems for every woody biomass fuel.

Since 1982, Heizomat has been developing and producing fully automatic wood heating systems, providing solutions for private households, agriculture, industry, trade and local heating networks so they can use low carbon woody biomass heat and take the true path of the energy transition.
Heizomat stands for German quality. A robust design with the most sophisticated technical components, guaranteeing operation for generations. Today, with over 35,000 installations worldwide, Heizomat is a global leader in superb biomass heat engineering. Caluwe has been Heizomat’s exclusive US distributor since 2015.

LASCO’s wood chips hot air furnaces are available from 150 kW to 2500 kW nominal heat power. In contrast to cordwood fired hot air furnaces, wood chips based hot air furnaces are fully automatic. The devices are ready-to-use systems and are portable as well. The integrated wood chips day hopper ensures long-lasting and even heat output. From 750 kW, the chips bin is constructed externally.

The biomass power plants from ANKUR generates Electricity, Heat and Biochar according to the principle of combined heat and power (CHP). The biomass power plant consists of a wood gasifier and the combined heat and power unit (CHP). The generated power will either be consumed by the owner or sold into the grid. The heat generated during the process can be used for the heating of buildings, for drying grain and biomass or in district heating systems. ANKUR biomass power plants use biomass for power generation and convert locally sourced biomass or organic wastes into clean, efficient energy.